A life-altering event. That's my realization of homelessness, gained firsthand out here on the streets and highways of our country. What a change in living circumstances! All of a sudden, even the most common day-to-day events takes on a different hue.
We take so many things for granted, like running water. Like indoor plumbing, accessible on demand (at least 99% of the time; allowing for plumbing anomalies), sleeping (in a bed is really a blessing; on the ground it is an exercise steeped in uncertainty, given the variables of weather, environment and the like), eating (up to 75% of the time of a homeless person; the quest for food consumes much of a homeless person's time and energy).
The homeless face so many challenges that many 'regular' people think of them almost as a separate species, barely worthy of respect, much less acknowledgement. Additionally, those who set in motion the chain of events that resulted in so many Americans becoming homeless have almost succeeded in convincing the rest of society that they are the cause of their own misery. Talk about Chutzpah!
Now the homeless have the added burden of the social stigma attached to them by the very charlatans who put them on the street to begin with!
As I've made my way through the southern half of California (where I choose to live), I've seen so very many persons with compelling personal narratives to share; it's like covering a major disaster that is slowly taking place before our unbelieving eyes. So many of these people are as regular as your next-door neighbor...you wonder, "how did HE/SHE end up homeless" and, "Am I going to be next"?
Having talked at length with many of these people, it comes to me that there should be someone telling their story...someone calling our society to account for all of this human suffering.
And now, this mission is beginning to take on a life of it's own, a 'calling' to me to document this still-developing tragedy. My natural inquisitiveness and curiosity draw me to this task. Additionally, much of my time is spent our there on the streets - where this is all taking place.
So...many of my posts will originate "On The Road" as I speak with people on how life in America has changed for them since September 15th. Their stories touch my heart. I want to share them with you and will do so during the coming months.
This, then is my NEW addiction...telling the stories of people that you know, the stories of people unseen, the stories of people who have no one to speak up on their behalf.
Stay with us. You may heard/read a story that sounds very similar to someone you"ve known.
We're going to have a different close starting today.
I sincerely hope that 2014 is a fantastic year for you, filled with happiness, good health and good fortune.
Blessed be !