Friday, September 28, 2012

The Shirt

[The post you are about to read is true. Only the names have been changed to protect the innocent. The part of “Mom” is played by my Mother. The part of “Dad” is played by my father]

You could tell from the feel of the material, the cut and the needlework, that the shirt was top quality. 
Celebrating my eighteenth birthday, Bethany gave it to me as my present. Mom was impressed (quite an achievement), Dad smiled warmly over the mashed potatoes; Bethany looked especially lovely that evening. We went out to the drive-in that night. At that time of year, nighttime temperatures were pleasant.
The pattern was very geometric, different squares, rectangles, lines and colors, grays and blues and fit my lean frame nicely.
Bethany and I were quite an item. She was the most beautiful girl I had known. Couldn’t believe that she had felt an attraction for me. Her laughter was so free, so natural - it had the quality that was musical; infectious, joyful.

By the time of my next birthday, however, we had broken up. The details escape memory, but I was heartsick. 

I treasured that shirt; deliberately did not wear it often so as to insure that it would not wear out. As long as I could wear it, part of the halcyon days of youth would stay with me. Years and addresses went by, as they are want.  And marriages. But the shirt remained.
Finally, somewhere in the mists of decades the shirt disappeared. And Bethany retreated further back in memory. 

Yet, anytime I would overhear the name “Bethany”, my heart would miss a beat. 

It’s now fifty years since we parted. Somewhere in the course of everyday, I saw a pattern that was enough like the pattern of the shirt that the memory triggered. And, predictably, my heart missed a beat.
For whatever reason, I went to the ‘’ website, and after only a few minutes, found Bethany’s link. Sent her a message along with my email, not knowing if she would respond or not. It wasn’t two days before Bethany’s name came up in my email. And, this time, my heart raced. Breath tightened in my chest. I clicked open the email to find that Bethany had remained in the Phoenix area and a light search of Google surrendered her address and phone. It took a full half day to work up the courage to call.

“Bethany? It’s me, from Scottsdale High”

Her voice hadn’t changed a whit, even though fifty years have passed. And, her laugh! Her laugh, as always, bright, free. My heart was racing by then. It’s been almost two weeks now. We email and phone as time is available. 

And fifty years are as only a week or two...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Time to Unite to Fight the Forces of Evil

...and secure your own financial future

Sixty-three days and counting.

And it doesn’t look good for President Obama. The President’s campaign is being out-funded (out-spent) by something unreal, like 10-to-one by the Republicans and the big-money interests.

When a staunch Democrat like Michael Moore (“Fahrenheit 911”,”Bowling For Columbine”,”Sicko”,”Roger & Me”) says that he sees a very real possibility for Romney & company to win the November election, that’s not a cheerful scenario, by any means.

But, we have to be realistic.

Citizens United was a real game-changer. For one thing, it gave the multinational corporations access to OUR domestic electoral process. Think about that for a second. 
Countries like Iran. Yemen. Somalia. 
They’re not our friends.

And yet, their petrodollars can be spent to influence the outcome of OUR election. To this writer, that smacks of Treason on the part of our very own Supreme Court. 

And it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out who’ll be the beneficiary of their largesse.

Our Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex has a vested interest in a continued state of war to satisfy our addiction to oil. Exxon/Mobil, Chevron, Koch Industries are not the most profitable enterprises on the planet absent well-laid plans and strategic spending in the halls of Congress.

What chance does a lone citizen have against the powerful interests which now infest the corridors of power?
We have our vote. 

Wouldn’t it be more comforting however, if we could, somehow level the playing field? Counter the profligate spending by the Big Boys with campaign contributions comparable in size.

Pipe dream. Right?

There IS a way. 
We CAN Empower ourselves. 

WE CAN, today, change the dynamic of the electoral process. 

WE CAN, in less than Two Months, generate a cash groundswell that will completely ALTER the political landscape in such manner as to reclaim our great Nation for EVERY citizen, not just the 1% at the top of the income scale.

THEN; spread the word. 

I’ve done the math...

If everyone reading this post enlists only TWO OTHER PEOPLE to become  Empowered...the compounding effect can generate OVER $100 MILLION before election day. No political campaign can ignore a sum that great.

Don’t believe me?
There was an article in “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not” some 70+ years back about a man who agreed to work for another man for the sum of ONE PENNY on day 1, provided the employer would double the pay every day for ONE MONTH. The employer jumped at the offer. Who wouldn't?

On the 30th day, the employer found he owed the laborer the sum of $5,368,708.80 !!! It is said that the employer suffered a massive heart attack when confronted with the calculations.


Shall we reclaim OUR country?
Get ALL IN !

See you tomorrow...

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Tonight’s post has been put on hold. It’ll be back within a few hours, but this got me so riled I had to dash off this post.

Now, normally I have the founders of the Empower Network in highest awesomeness. 

But then, yesterday, one of The Two Daves emailed me about an organization that he believed to be devoted to keeping the internet free of all interference, especially from that big, bad old Federal Government.

It calls itself Campaign for Liberty, and it’s stated goals are to (somehow) “RECLAIM the Republic” and to “RESTORE the CONSTITUTION”. And it has the scariest picture of President Obama I’ve seen since before the 2008 election, with the Header, ‘DON’T LET OBAMA TURN OFF THE INTERNET”, urging readers to “Sign the internet freedom manifesto”.

If you want to view this piece of political garbage, here's the link 
It’s got a capture section where a person can submit their information (first and last name, email address and zip) and click on a button “Sign Your Manifesto”.

Identifying information at the page bottom shows that “Campaign for Liberty is a 501(c)4 lobbying organization...” which is the tip-off.

This organization has NO, repeat NO interest in preserving internet freedom. Indeed, if there is any goal of this organization, it is to attract funds and generate support which will ultimately be channeled toward legislation which will effectively give the telecom giants control over the internet.

There is ONE and ONLY ONE organization  dedicated to preserving internet privacy and freedom. NET NEUTRALITY is the only mechanism structured to keep the internet free from interference by the government or the corporate sector (the telecoms and media conglomerates like Clear Channel, Viacom, Disney, etc.

Here’s a link to illustrate how media consolidation has constricted the free flow of information over the past two decades. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the pattern of deceipt and evil waiting to rule the masses.

As I said at the beginning, this so-called “Campaign for Liberty” is anything but. It is a trojan horse designed to enslave those who don’t know the truth.

Now YOU know.

Please leave a comment. I want to know your thoughts.