And it doesn’t look good for President Obama. The President’s campaign is being out-funded (out-spent) by something unreal, like 10-to-one by the Republicans and the big-money interests.
When a staunch Democrat like Michael Moore (“Fahrenheit 911”,”Bowling For Columbine”,”Sicko”,”Roger & Me”) says that he sees a very real possibility for Romney & company to win the November election, that’s not a cheerful scenario, by any means.
But, we have to be realistic.
Citizens United was a real game-changer. For one thing, it gave the multinational corporations access to OUR domestic electoral process. Think about that for a second.
Countries like Iran. Yemen. Somalia.
They’re not our friends.
And yet, their petrodollars can be spent to influence the outcome of OUR election. To this writer, that smacks of Treason on the part of our very own Supreme Court.
And it doesn’t take an Einstein to figure out who’ll be the beneficiary of their largesse.
Our Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex has a vested interest in a continued state of war to satisfy our addiction to oil. Exxon/Mobil, Chevron, Koch Industries are not the most profitable enterprises on the planet absent well-laid plans and strategic spending in the halls of Congress.
What chance does a lone citizen have against the powerful interests which now infest the corridors of power?
We have our vote.
Wouldn’t it be more comforting however, if we could, somehow level the playing field? Counter the profligate spending by the Big Boys with campaign contributions comparable in size.
Pipe dream. Right?
There IS a way.
We CAN Empower ourselves.
WE CAN, today, change the dynamic of the electoral process.
WE CAN, in less than Two Months, generate a cash groundswell that will completely ALTER the political landscape in such manner as to reclaim our great Nation for EVERY citizen, not just the 1% at the top of the income scale.
THEN; spread the word.
I’ve done the math...
If everyone reading this post enlists only TWO OTHER PEOPLE to become Empowered...the compounding effect can generate OVER $100 MILLION before election day. No political campaign can ignore a sum that great.
Don’t believe me?
There was an article in “Ripley’s Believe It Or Not” some 70+ years back about a man who agreed to work for another man for the sum of ONE PENNY on day 1, provided the employer would double the pay every day for ONE MONTH. The employer jumped at the offer. Who wouldn't?
On the 30th day, the employer found he owed the laborer the sum of $5,368,708.80 !!! It is said that the employer suffered a massive heart attack when confronted with the calculations.
Shall we reclaim OUR country?
Get ALL IN !
See you tomorrow...
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