Monday, December 9, 2013

This begins a series that was thrust upon me, as it was on many others, like an economic tsunami. It came, literally without warning, (some, like myself had a vague unease leading up to the financial collapse of 2007-2008, but our words were ignored.)

In the pre-dawn hours you can make out their forms. Dark. Silhouettes moving along back streets. A large, dark mass in a darkened doorway. Look closely, though, for they will be gone soon. They move silently, ghost-like. They're invisible, as Society wishes. Swept under the rug. They are 'deniable'. 'Non-persons'.

What then is their crime that they are viewed with such disdain? Why has Society cast them off like so much human flotsam?

They are the homeless. Many of them ARE "guilty". Guilty, that is of believing in the American Dream. You know, the one that goes, "Do your job with honesty and great vigor and you shall be rewarded". (You do remember that cartoon with the fellow with the feeble smile on his face and a size 250 wood screw driven through his middle, don't you?) Every day these middle class went to work, put in their time and energy, all the time believing that they were paving their way into a better, secure future for themselves and their families.

There are others, to be sure. Drugs. Alcohol. Mental Illness. Issues that our Society refuses to confront. Soon, it may be forced to confront them anyway. More about that later.

In our specific instance, it was a two-step drop to living on the street. A nasty divorce in 2007 took all of my lifetime's works and treasures; trying to rebuild financially in 2009 moving forward, my work managed to keep a roof over my head and food stamps helped put food on the table.

Homelessness came home to roost finally on 1 February of this year, 2013. Since then, it's been a struggle to stay upright and moving ahead. In this case, it's also making lemons into lemonade, to allude to that old axiom about misfortune. 

It's been an amazing journey, with insights coming from everywhere. All sorts of people moving through our life. Some are transitory, others have a feel of permanence. As time and resources become available, we intend to flesh out this journey with pictures (maybe even video) and links to places you may find interesting, worth a moment or two of your time or attention. Of course, we invite your comments. 

Tomorrow: A New Addiction

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